Legal mentions
Company name or corporate name: MB INTERNATIONAL COMPANY
Company head office address: 69 Boulevard Eugeune Reguillon, Villeurbanne 69100
Names of company directors: Ms. Ji-Eun Min
Company telephone number, fax number and email address: contact@mbinternationalcompany.com, tel: 0682387290
Registration number in the trade and companies register, or other authority applicable to the activity: SIRET 987 384 856 00017
Tax Identification Number
Legal form of the company: EI
If your website offers services as part of an activity that requires approval from a public authority, contact details of the supervisory authority must be provided
Name, name or company name and address and telephone number of the host of its site: Hosting: The site is hosted by WIX - Wix online platform Limited, Adress / 1 Grant's Row, Dublin 2 D02HX96, Ireland, reachable via the link following: https://suport.wix.com/en/article/contacting-wix-customer-care-for-support
Notices relating to the use of personal data
Notices relating to the use of cookies
if you use images, illustrations, photographs: you must include their intellectual property
for texts that are not yours, you must obtain authorization from the author or at least cite the source of the text